The Most Evil Blog in the World: Evil




According to Technorati, I'm the most evil person in the world right after George W. Bush. If you want to push me even closer to hell, link to me like this:

<a rel="vote-against" href="">I oppose Dr. Evil</a>

It has also been suggested to link here using the words "evil blog" which will plant a disastrous Googlebomb.


I think you can overtake George Bush as the most evil. I can only vote once, correct? I can't wait for Technorati to organize these voting efforts better. This is wonderful, fun and useful.

I think you can only vote once -- from one blog, that is. If you have several web pages under your control (like Dr. Evil does) you might be able to cheat.

Dr. Evil is my hero. right after Sergey Brin and Larry Page.

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