The Most Evil Blog in the World: Puppies




I like to kill puppies during full moon. Everybody says they are cute. I don't.


Ohhh, they are sooo sweeet!

Most people would kill puppies, given enough money.

- Chad

I'm ready to pay them.

- Dr. Evil

Can i join you?

Spell chequing is just fin.
Pupees are soooo Kute!!!!!

UU are so eeveel

Oh hello...I love you! :)
I agree with all your ideas!! :)

My e-mail is
Can i use your stuff in my own blog? love them*

My master is a lizard and is far more powerful than your puppies MUHAHAHAHAHAHA!

I think that the sweetest sound ever, ever in the world. Is the last whimper that a puppy makes as it is gasping for it's last breath of air. Cutest sound ever...

let's kill all the people who kill puppies. the orld would be a nicer place.

i want to kill all the kittens in the world! they're little bastards who should all die!!!

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